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Press Coverage: Time & Tide

Press Coverage: Time & Tide

  Check out the Time and Tide article about the Detrash Likemania at

Press Coverage: Time & Tide

  Check out the Time and Tide article about the Detrash Likemania at

Press release: "Gotham's Vigilante"

Press release: "Gotham's Vigilante"

Heroes come in different forms. You get the ones in capes like Batman and Superman, and you get the real life ones that actually make a difference in the real...

Press release: "Gotham's Vigilante"

Heroes come in different forms. You get the ones in capes like Batman and Superman, and you get the real life ones that actually make a difference in the real...

The final 5 designs

The final 5 designs

It has taken a while, but now we have the final 5 designs, and I thnik that they look incredible.  As of November 2023; dial designs are finalised, the watch...

The final 5 designs

It has taken a while, but now we have the final 5 designs, and I thnik that they look incredible.  As of November 2023; dial designs are finalised, the watch...

Designs so far - November 2023

Designs so far - November 2023

Part of the goal with Detrash is to "build in public" and share what I am doing, as I go. I don't expect things to be perfect, but I made...

Designs so far - November 2023

Part of the goal with Detrash is to "build in public" and share what I am doing, as I go. I don't expect things to be perfect, but I made...